
Case Study: LASIK Vision Center

About: This company offers multiple laser vision correction procedures and in the past their radio spots were used to drive website traffic and calls into their offices for LASIK consultations.

Challenge: As with any traditional media, they had trouble measuring the effectiveness of the radio spots and correlating consultation appointments to these media purchases.

Solution: They used JA.TXT’s text message marketing system to setup a text-in keyword to be used during their radio advertisements.  Listeners were encouraged to text-in for their chance to win free LASIK surgery.  A very large SMS database was built from these contest entries in just 3 weeks.

Results: On the last day of the contest the LASIK center sent all entries a text message announcing the winner and offering all other participants a special discount on their surgery if they called that afternoon to setup a consultation appointment.  The company was extremely satisfied with not only the large marketing database they built, but also with the significant number of consultation appointments they setup that afternoon that were a direct result of the radio spots.

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