Tag Archives | mobile marketing

Best Practices for Mobile Coupons from MMA

According to the Mobile Marketing Association 30% of US consumers are interested in mobile coupons.  These coupons can be discovered and redeemed not only though SMS but mobile applications, mobile websites, Bluetooth, and barcodes as well.  These guidelines published by the MMS on Tuesday (12/21/10) cover the following topics: The five stages of mobile price […]

Summary: Coupons, SMS to be most used form of mobile marketing by 2015

The following is a summary of a recent article on MobileMarketer.com: A study was conducted by mobileSquared (a mobile research agency) on behalf of Airwide Solutions (a mobile and wireless infrastructure provider). 61% of wireless carriers surveyed thought coupons or vouchers would become the dominant form of mobile marketing by 2015. “SMS is a tremendous […]

12 Reasons to Include SMS in Mobile Marketing Efforts

Here are some very good reasons why businesses should include text messaging as part of mobile and integrated marketing efforts from Technorati: The question many businesses are asking these days is whether it pays for them to advertise via SMS (Short Message Service) or what’s commonly referred to as text messaging. mobileSQUARED published an industry […]